Is Love a Feeling Or is it Something else? The concept of love is so broad that it encompasses many different ideas, concepts, characteristics, and even individuals. Most often when people think of love they focus on the emotions of love and how they affect the other person or the relationship. However, love is also […]
Animal Virus Diseases
Animal Virus Diseases Animals are multicellular, multirellular organisms in the Kingdom Animalia. With few exceptions, all animals breathe oxygen, ingest organic matter, can move, reproduce by means of a labyrinth of cells called the blastulae, can move, and grow in a sac called a blastulum, during development. In development, each animal has the ability to […]
A Look Back at Kiss
Kiss is an American hard rock band founded in New York City in February 1973 by Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss, and Ace Frehley. They are often compared to the Rolling Stones because of their unique sound, music, and visual appeal. The group gained popularity in the United States and around the world through […]
Trends in Gaming
Computer gaming is the most popular form of entertainment for people of all ages. In recent years, the gaming industry has become very profitable and is now growing at an unbelievable rate. It is now possible to find every single type of game in the world, and this is thanks to the development of gaming […]
The Psychological Effects of Sports
The term “sport” has two different meanings. In its common usage, the word sports is used to refer to any contact sport; although other, more specific sports may also fall under this umbrella. The other meaning of the term is to refer to a particular set of athletic activities. For instance, swimming, running, and gymnastics […]
A Conceptualization of Beauty in the Twentieth Century
Beauty is often defined as a subjective quality of certain objects, which makes these objects appealing to perceive. Such objects may include beautiful sunsets, outdoor objects, humans and other works of art. Beauty, along with other aesthetic concepts, is also the most important topic of aesthetics, among the most important branches of art history. It […]
Determining the Quality of Life and the Levels of Healthy Human Health
Determining the Quality of Life and the Levels of Healthy Human Health Health is a condition of mental, physical and social well being in which infirmity and illness are absent. In most dictionaries the meaning of health is synonymous with life. Over time a number of definitions have also been employed for diverse purposes. Among […]
The Psychology of Video Gaming
The Psychology of Video Gaming Computer games or video games are an interactive electronic game which usually involves interaction using a personal computer or other device including keyboard, joystick, mouse, or some form of touch display device to generate visible output to the user. There are a wide range of different computer games and video […]
Which Sports Are Good For You?
Which Sports Are Good For You? Sport (or physical sports) is any form of typically competitive physical action that, through organised or casual participation, attempt to employ, hone or enhance physical skill and ability while also providing enjoyment to competitors, and sometimes, spectators. For this reason, the term sport has variously been used to describe […]
Beauty in Philosophy
Beauty in Philosophy Beauty is often defined as a subjective quality of things that makes those objects pleasurable to see. These objects can include sunsets, beautiful landscapes, humans and creative works of art. Beauty, with beauty and art, is probably the most important theme of aesthetics, probably one of the most important branches of aesthetics. […]