
Five Love Languages – Expressing Your Love Through the Dr Markham Method


Five Love Languages – Expressing Your Love Through the Dr Markham Method

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. In the mind of God, love encompasses a wide spectrum of positive and constructive emotional and spiritual states, from our most sublime human desire, the highest personal religious devotion, to the easiest pleasures. Love is also considered by God to be a natural condition for all of creation. And, as Albert Einstein once asked, “How does love to help the human being to live better or longer?”

Love is not only expressed by our intimate relationships, but it is the primary love language. The way we talk, act and think about love all come under the banner of this primary love language. However, there are a few common pitfalls that can keep many people from expressing their love in a way that feels truly great.

One of the most common pitfalls people fall into when they try to express romantic love is that they inadvertently hurt their brain regions with their romantic love talk. Romantic love is an emotion and an experience, so it is quite normal to have feelings, desires and thoughts related to it. However, being overly descriptive about it, especially to another individual, can actually have negative consequences on the part of the one who is being romanticized. When you talk about your deepest feelings in a non-intimate way, you might be setting yourself up for rejection. This happens because your brain areas associated with describing things in our primary love language get activated and this triggers a negative response in your brain.

Another common pitfalls for expressing love for someone else is that we often don’t take enough time to share with them. When we communicate through words, we often push the need to connect with the other person aside. When we do this, it’s easy to just disconnect from them. As Dr. Markham says, “The thing with love is that, if it’s in your life, you have to have it or you won’t be alive.” By making quality time for sharing with someone else, you are giving them the space and freedom to connect with you on an emotional level. You are also giving them a window to connect with you on a physical level as well.

A third common pitfall is when we participate in romantic relationships with people that are only friend or companions. If we allow other individuals who aren’t lovers to become lovers with us, then we aren’t really expressing passionate love towards those other individuals. In order to truly have companionate love, you have to make love to someone who isn’t a romantic partner. Once you start doing this with friends and companions, you will see how the quality time you spend with them will positively affect the quality of your relationships.

The Dr. Markham Method teaches you how to use all five love languages to express all of your feelings towards another person. This means that you can talk about your feelings without involving physical touch, and you can also talk to another individual using your primary love language. This is done without any pressure or embarrassment. It is a powerful learning tool that will greatly assist you in finding a romantic partner or a lifelong friend. The Dr. Markham method can help you learn how to express love in ways that give both parties a positive experience.