
The Three Most Common Ways To Kiss

“Kissing is like lighting a beacon on a hillside.” -Rumi Forehead kisses–more literally just that: a kiss put on the forehead of another person–are an affectionate, loving gesture, and in most instances they tend to indicate more caring and sweetness than simply sexual attraction. Many women like to give a light, quick kiss on the cheek before frolicking in the park with their friends. Men like to receive light, loving kisses on their foreheads from the woman of their dreams.

There are many different kinds of body language that show the sender of the kiss wants to romance the recipient. In addition to the light peck or kiss on the cheek, many people will use other body movements, such as the palm of the hand, to show how into a person he or she is by the touch of the lips. If you are giving a light peck or kiss, move closer to him or her. If you are giving a long and passionate kiss, move away a bit and make sure there are no closed eyes or closed mouth.

To me, it seems almost cruel to put a stranger on a pedestal because he or she has given me the gift of life. But sometimes, especially with celebrities, people will try to place others on a pedestal simply because they look good. And the best thing about this definition of love is that it applies equally to all humans. This definition of love is as good for the giver as it is for the recipient.

My husband, who happens to be my best friend, does not do this yet, but I have seen how powerful a forehead kiss can be. He puts his hand on my face and warmly asks me how I am, then he kisses me. It is the most affectionate thing I have ever experienced.

A butterfly kiss means so much more to me than just affection. Butterfly kisses symbolize unconditional love and perfect friendship. They also symbolize undying loyalty and trust. If I were to write down all the things that butterfly kisses mean to me, they would be a book in themselves.

The third and final gesture is a cheek kiss. A cheek kiss is very complimentary to the other two. It is also a gesture that shows a little bit of vulnerability, which gets the heart pumping. Unlike the other two gestures, it shows that you are willing to date a person. A cheek kiss is also a symbol of an openness that goes beyond just romantic love.