
The Definition of Health

The definition of health varies depending on where a person lives, and the environment they inhabit. For instance, an individual living at sea level might have problems with shortness of breath if he has to shovel snow, while a person living in the mountains might experience anemia and shortness of breath due to the higher altitude. A good definition of health must take this into account. Also, it must be able to accommodate the many different forms of disease that affect people.

The WHO defines health as complete physical, mental, and social well-being. The concept of health is often used to define globalization, and to promote measures that prevent disease and promote good health. These efforts focus on the prevention and control of disease, as well as the choices made by society. But the real benefits of public care extend beyond the health of individuals. Fortunately, there are numerous programs to help people improve their quality of life and prevent disease.

The promotion of health is a multifaceted endeavor. The most basic definition of health is the absence of disease, in which case the promotion of health would focus on eradicating or reducing diseases and decreasing the number of people suffering from them. But there are other facets of health that may be considered part of the definition. Regular exercise, for example, can enhance a person’s ability to deal with life’s stresses. By doing this, health can be viewed as a shared responsibility for a society’s well-being.