
Animal Lovers

For many centuries, people have been aware of animal rights. In some societies, people have been given the rights to animals that can be tamed, used for food, and raised for companionship purposes only. In other societies, however, animals are not regarded as possessing any rights at all. Depending on the culture in which the individual lives, the law may not recognize animal rights.

Animals are multicellular, eusocial organisms in the Kingdom Animalia. They are capable of living and working in packs; they have central nervous system, including all of its organs, and their muscles perform most of the activities of their body. With few exceptions, animals breathe oxygen, eat organic matter, can reproduce sexually, and move about on their own. They are a part of our ecosystem. Individuals of an animal community, such as animal lovers and environmentalists, consider animals to be members of their own families, entitled to their rights, and have a responsibility to respect these rights.

People who consider themselves animal lovers do so for a variety of reasons. Vegetarians and omnivores both treat animals in their care with respect. Both groups want to create conditions in which animals are well cared for while they live and in which they will die. Both groups promote the conservation of animal life. Vegans, however, claim a moral obligation to refrain from causing physical harm to animals and their habitats.

People who consider themselves animal lovers have various reasons for doing so. The main reason is that animals are considered to be part of the natural ecosystem. When an animal dies, a species is said to have died. An animal is called a being when it dies for reasons that ethical people support. A being is a living breathing animal.

Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, viruses, insects, and humans are interdependent. The earth has an atmosphere and ocean containing oxygen and many other essential gases that make up the atmosphere. Some animals breathe air, some water, and some insects eat or breathe vegetation. All of these animals and plants rely on the Earth for food, oxygen, and heat. Humans, through the use of technology, have become reliant on animals for their meat, milk, eggs, honey, bones, shells, clothing, and shelter.

Animals are classified as living creatures, unicellular organisms, eusocial organisms, protoplasmic or non-cellular organisms, unicellular or multicellular organisms, metamorphic organisms, fungi, molds, unicellular organisms, etc. Animals can be classified further into vegetal animals and animal hybrids. Vegetable animals are amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, etc., whereas animal hybrids are protoplasmic or eusocial organisms. Certain types of whales, dolphins, seals, cats, dogs, sharks, and certain breeds of rats belong to the class of marine animals.