
The Power of Beauty

The idea of beauty can be conceived as the principle of perfect unity and harmony between all parts. It can be represented in many ways, including colour and symmetry. The symmetrical nature of the object is also a source of beauty. And, beauty is universal. The same can be said of human beings. Hence, a person can be beautiful as long as he/she is aesthetically pleasing. A person can also be beautiful as long as they are suited to the task.

The term “beautiful” is not a new concept. The ancients have long recognized the aesthetic benefits of beauty. This is why many ancient treatments of beauty refer to these qualities in the most ecstatic terms. For example, Plotinus wrote about beauty as “delicious trouble,” a state of wonderment. He describes beauty as an all-consuming delight, requiring the user to tremble.

Ultimately, beauty is a combination of internal and external qualities. It requires confidence, self-esteem, and a positive outlook on life. Yet, for many of us, this is not an easy thing to do, especially in a society that emphasizes physical appearance. Skin colour, age, and acne issues are some of the many ways that beauty is defined. Regardless of the form, the aim is to promote the power of beauty in everyday life.