
Kissing For Oxytocin


Kissing For Oxytocin

A kiss is the gentle pressing or brushing of one’s lip against an object or another individual. The term can also apply to the soft sucking of someone else’s lip. Many cultural definitions of kissing range widely from an instinctive, impulsive act, meant to be innocent, to a more controlled, conscious effort meant to enhance the feeling of intimacy. The kiss has sometimes been used as a romantic gesture to express passion or desire.

As a kiss, either one person’s or another persons, may be involuntarily pressed against the other in order to increase the degree of pleasure felt during that kiss. This is usually associated with the feeling of wanting to release physical tension and create the feeling of closeness. In ancient societies such as those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, kissing customs included a ritualized version of frehley dance that involved kissing. In these societies, it was thought to be necessary for a man to kiss a woman so that she would offer him protection from potential marriage advances.

Kissing is an important component of intimacy relationships. However, it is not always necessary for intimacy to occur. When one partner desires or needs to express affection and emotional intimacy with another person, then the other person will often do the same in an attempt to reciprocate, especially when they are emotionally connected to each other. It is when this occurs regularly that a greater understanding of the role of kissing in oxytocin release should be made.

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is responsible for the feelings and emotions that result from human bonding. A kiss is a very powerful expression of oxytocin. In recent years, studies have been conducted to understand the physiological basis of this emotion. The results of these studies show that the kiss initiates oxytocin release. Thus, the kiss is important in oxytocin release.

For many years, Dr. Evan Mladenoff and Dr. Richard F. Kluchek have been conducting experiments on college students, which have led them to conclude that students who kiss regularly have greater amounts of oxytocin receptors in their brains. This lead guitarist and composer of “Whole Lotta Love” realized that students who kissed more often also performed better in school and showed more social skill than students who kissed less. Other studies have supported this claim.

Dr. Ference Marquis Flores and his team at the University of Nottingham, UK, conducted a study concerning the effects of kiss initiations on the production of oxytocin in the brain. During a task in which the participants had to agree on a response, the researchers had each participant receive either a small cash reward or a large cash reward. After receiving their money, the participants were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their kissing frequency. This questionnaires covered a wide range of topics, including subjects’ attitudes toward dating and relationships, and their views on various topics such as politics, religion and race. In the study, it was found that the subjects who kissed more often were more likely to be religious and conservative, as well as show a greater concern for racial issues, according to the press release from the university.