People often wonder about the different traits that animals have that sets them apart from humans. Although a great deal of research has been done over the years, much remains unknown about the animal kingdom and the most basic traits that separate one species from another. In this article, we’ll go over some of the […]
Author: olsenfashionnook
Is Kissing Good For You?
A kiss is the small, pressed touch or caressing of one’s lips to an object or another person. Kissing is most commonly associated with romantic love and affection between couples or friends, though it can occur between people of any relationship whether they are lovers, friends or family. The cultural associations of kissing range widely, […]
Is Romantic Love All There Is To It?
Is Romantic Love All There Is To It? To love is to desire something more than what we can presently have. It is to desire more of what is wanted without having to work for it. Love encompasses a broad spectrum of positive and strong emotional and mental states, ranging from the sublime, all-encompassing love […]
Behavior Patterns Found in Animal Behaviors
Behavior Patterns Found in Animal Behaviors We know that animals are made of living cells. But what about consciousness? Consciousness is not something that animals have because animals do not have the same features as human beings. For example, in humans, the brain is much bigger than the animal’s brain and there is a perception […]
Kissing on Valentine’s Day: Join the New City, State or Country on This Valentine’s Day
A kiss is the simple touching or brushing of one’s lips to another object or another person. Kissing cultural connotations vary greatly throughout different cultures and countries. In the United States, for example, we have the strong cultural associations of kissing as a romantic gesture between couples. During the Summer months at my High School […]
How Do You Know If You Are in a Romantic Love Relationship?
How Do You Know If You Are in a Romantic Love Relationship? For many people love is a most powerful and alluring concept. It has been described as the feeling you get when you are loved. However, what exactly love is, what it’s like to love and why it is important is often unclear. What […]
Animals, the First Animals
Although there are great many species of animals, they are distinguished by a single common characteristic: their appendages or limbs, which are called extremities. Animals are categorized as having only one set of limbs, although some may have several. Multicellular animals are eukaryotic, a division of the animal Kingdom. With few exceptions, all animals breathe […]
How to Kiss a Girl – The Secrets to French Kissing Revealed!
How to Kiss a Girl – The Secrets to French Kissing Revealed! Wanting to be good in bed? Well then you need to learn a few kissing tips that will really help you out. The more comfortable you are with yourself the better you will be in bed. When learning how to kiss a girl […]
Understanding the Two Concepts of Love
Understanding the Two Concepts of Love The word love is so broad that it encompasses a great number of human emotions such as admiration, respect, trust, affection, worry, friendship, commitment, and passion. Essentially, true love simply means that you possess an unparalleled, unwavering and unbroken fondness and devotion towards your partner in all situations. It […]
Some Important Facts About Biology
Some Important Facts About Biology Animals are multicellular, living organisms in the Kingdom Animalia. Although they cannot breathe air, they are capable of moving about on land and in water. With a few exceptions, animals eat organic matter, breathe oxygen, can move, reproduce sexually, and secrete hormones. The body systems of animals are complex and […]