All animals are classified as vertebrates, which are mostly animals but also include birds, reptiles, mollusks, and some fishes. All vertebrates belong to the Kingdom Animalia, a division of the Phylum Chordata, which is a class of animals that are not true mammals. Animals are multicellular, meaning they have multiple skeletal systems including a skeleton […]
Author: olsenfashionnook
A Modern Man’s Guide to Kissing
A kiss is really the pecking or pressing of one’s lip against an object or another human being. Most cultural definitions of kissing also differ wildly. For example, in many parts of the United States a kiss is not equivalent to the romantic gesture of a kiss. A quick look at the American family tree […]
Learn to Grow Your Love Relationship
Love is a universal experience that transcends gender, race and religious affiliation. It is something that everyone enjoys having in their lives. While there are different definitions of love as it relates to spirituality, one common element across all is the ability to give love unconditionally. Love encompasses a broad range of positive and strong […]
A Vegetarian Diet
In our human dealings with other people, we tend to relate things to people, things to animals and things to spirit. The most common word that comes to mind when you consider animal ethics is “food”. In most societies around the world, it is taboo to eat animals, be they consumed meat, eggs or milk […]
Kissing Is More Than Just an Embarrassing Pain in the Butt
A kiss is the simple moving touch or caressing of one’s lips to another human or an inanimate object. Its cultural connotations range from being a symbol of affection to being a secret warning. Some people see it as a sign of purity while other interpret it as a sign of devotion. No matter what […]
Love Is a Vibration Within You
Love Is a Vibration Within You Love is described as the sensation of love when it is given, received and felt. A feeling that pervades every human being, human love expresses the highest aspirations and the highest needs. Love is the most basic need of every human being. It is not only the strongest desire […]
An Animal Gender Guide
When you consider a person’s place in the animal kingdom, one’s level of consciousness can be compared to that of an animal. A cat is a very complex organism, but it is not a metamorphic animal because it does not undergo metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a term used to describe changes in an animal that take […]
Kissing For Oxytocin
Kissing For Oxytocin A kiss is the gentle pressing or brushing of one’s lip against an object or another individual. The term can also apply to the soft sucking of someone else’s lip. Many cultural definitions of kissing range widely from an instinctive, impulsive act, meant to be innocent, to a more controlled, conscious effort […]
Love – Is There Really Such Thing As A Good Relationship?
Love – Is There Really Such Thing As A Good Relationship? One of the primary purposes for the human species is to spread love. Love transcends time and space, boundaries, race and religion, and even nationality; it is a motivating force that can move mountains. It is the driving force behind not just the physical […]
Animal Research Is Important to Medicine
Animal Research Is Important to Medicine All animals are hominis: that is, they contain a paired nucleus containing a piece of genetic material which contains the complete genetic code. All animals have a nervous system, a digestive system, the ability to moving voluntarily, and other special sensory organs to sense and respond to stimuli from […]