
The Definition of Health


The definition of health is not easy to agree on. Some people believe that health is the absence of disease. While this is partially true, it also excludes a large segment of life. Moreover, defining health based on absence of disease is not always practical. New diseases are continually discovered as medical advances progress, and the perception of people about their health is not always relevant in this context. It’s important to find a definition of ‘health’ that works well for our nation, as most nations are aging.

In the World Health Organization (WHO), health refers to complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is a natural resource that can be utilized for daily living. Physical health includes the capacity to achieve homeostasis and to recover from adverse situations. Mental health refers to the capacity to cope with stress and develop skills. Emotional health is the ability to relate to others, and can be measured by the presence of a sense of well-being.

According to the World Health Organization, health is a vital resource for living a full and productive life. It includes the physical, social, and psychological capacities of a person. It refers to one’s ability to achieve and maintain homeostasis and to recover from stressful situations. It also reflects the ability to manage stress and maintain relationships. For instance, if a person is stressed out, they will be less likely to get a job.