
When Did Sports Become an End in Itself?

There is no known date when the first games of sports began. Children have always been engaged in these activities, including athletics and other forms of physical exercise. In prehistoric art, hunters are depicted pursuing their prey with joyful abandon. Eventually, hunting became a means of expression and an end in itself for many ancient […]


Kiss on Other Parts of the Body

Kiss on Other Parts of the Body Kiss is one of the best-known rock bands, but many people are unaware that they can perform their songs on other parts of the body as well. Not only are they famous for their iconic music, but they also perform consensual kisses on other parts of the body. […]


The Different Types of Love

In Hinduism, love is defined as a feeling of intense affection for another person. In Hinduism, it is an emotion, not a condition, which a person can feel, choose, or give to another person. It can also be a physical or spiritual force. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first mention of the word […]